The Grinch story is based on the children's series How the Grinch Stole Chrismas! of Dr. Seuss. Launched in 1957, the character quickly became a part of American popular culture with the same level of popularity as Santa Claus during Christmas. If the children are good looking forward to deliver gifts, the grieving babies fear the Grinch will rob the most important feast.
However, Grinch is a different person who just likes to live alone in the cold snow. With the aim of targeting young audiences, the film has turned him into a somewhat gentle character with a scowling nature. This green villain's apartment was built like the basement of Iron Man with a series of convenient machines.
Just in a place, Grinch easily call Max dog bring food up for him with a cone combination ... table. After that, the guy with the dog can move around the cave by the system extremely intelligent elevator. Even in the dark plot, he still made a series of fun and no less "virtual".
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