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When you go camping, it is best to prepare two backpacks:
Backpack for personal items such as clothes, sleeping bags ...
Backpack for immediate use such as raincoats, camping gear ... If you have a dedicated backpack (50cm tall, with many bags and thick fabric, large cords ...), you can enter 2 backpack on the wall 1. Just useful and thought must put things on the backpack. Depending on the backpack should function as well as the arrangement. General rule is the number one priority for outdoor use items such as raincoats. To bring a comfortable backpack to put the weight close to the body and the backpack's focus will go through the hips and legs. To operate the camp so well that the quality of the backpack is noteworthy, there have been many unfortunate events due to the strong or too much equipment used by the backpack of a student to break the wire or torn backpack and The operation was difficult
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