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The 100 yard yard kick is divided into 20 sections each of 5 yards, marked by 19 long horizontal white lines. Between the long lines are four rows of short lines, each row of four lines separated by 1 yard. The final part at each end of the field is called the end zone, which is 10 yards long, usually with a red cross and separated by a long white line called the goal line. . The end zone is the end line, followed by the goal posts. The golf course is centered in the middle of the yard, 10 feet high, and a crossbar is 18 feet 6 inches north. The two horizontal bars are two 30 feet high. In all, the entire football field is 120 yards long and 53 1/3 yards wide. From the goal line, every 10 yards, the pitch will be marked as 10, 20, 30, 40 until midfield is 50. After this, the pitch is marked 40, 30, 20 and 10 to the other area.

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