As of July 2010, only 5 horses left Abaco Barb left but all lost fertility.this breed was popular in the Bahamas, discovered by the famous explorer Columbus in 1493. The first wild horses appeared on Great Abaco island, north of the Bahamas in the 1800s. In every family there is a girl who obsessed with horses shirt. This breed originating from Greece is almost extinct. They are called Illia or Greek names and there is only one stallion left in the 1990s. It is a hybrid of Anglo-Normons and local horses. Also known as Indian horses. Chocktaw, they have small bodies and colorful fur. Chocktaw horse species originated from Spain. In the 1950s, the remaining number of this breed was 200, and was supported by Dr. Phillip Sponenberg - a famous animal geneticist - to maintain and develop surviving individuals.
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This is a small Chinese horse, only about 10 hands tall. In 1981, this breed had 390 birds and was bred by a horse management association. However, in 1995, the horse disappeared without traces and now it is not seen again. Also called Carolina Marsh Tackies, this wild horse usually has a distinctive grayish brown color. and compact body. They live in the state of South Carolina - USA and currently 300 individuals exist. Dr. Sponenberg is also the person who maintains the breed for this horse.
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